Text ALN Marketing For College Recruiters and Sports Tournament Directors

How Text Marketing Works with College Recruiters and Sports Tournaments Directors!
What method do you use to let coaches know about upcoming tournaments, weather updates and results? Do you still use email and its 30% open rate if it gets through spam? What about using Text ALN and its 97% open rate in the first 3 minutes?
Here are some tips on getting double to triple the amount of teams into your next tourney or camp!

Text ALN for Sports Tourney Directors
One great thing about Text ALN is that it makes sending text alerts affordable for everyone! While text messaging used to be reserved for high budgets, with Mobile Text Alerts low pricing (Check out Pricing), even your son’s little league baseball can take advantage of the new trend.
Let your parents know about schedule changes, weather updates, or even stats and scores after the games. This is a great way to increase engagement, and keep the parents and coaches happy.
Oh, and it’s not limited to baseball. We have customers sending out text alerts for Baseball, Basketball, Soccer, Karate and even Cheerleading. As always with new technologies, the possibilities are endless.